About Us

Combinations is a publication of RadicalxChange Foundation, exploring new ideas about economics, democracy, and the relationship between technology and power. Our aim is to illuminate new possible paths for present institutions, spotlighting the connections between ideas, technologies, and social and political organization.
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Paula Berman
Guy Mackinnon-Little
Jack Henderson
Contributing Editor
Matt Prewitt
Contributing Editor
Alex Randaccio
Contributing Editor
Isabel Bortagaray
Catarina Horn
Angela Corpus
Editorial Board

Nils Gilman
Margaret Levi
Combinations is a publication by the RadicalxChange Foundation, with generous support from Project Liberty.
RadicalxChange retains complete editorial independence and control over its content and strategy.
All rights reserved ©, but not for long:
We are retaining the rights while we develop a license that fits our mission. Stay tuned.